Category: Articles

  • Appreciation of our scholars – a view from the west

  • Scholars, People and Ashura

    Scholars, People and Ashura It has been mentioned in the letter from Imam Mehdi (as): “In the issues that occur, refer to the narrators of our narrators. As they are my proof to you and I am the proof of Allah on them” Authentic Shia References: Ikmalul Deen / Sheikh Sadooq 1 pg 484 Book…

  • Some verses and narrations on Scholars

    Nor should the Believers all go forth together: if a contingent from every expedition remained behind, they could devote themselves to studies in religion, and admonish the people when they return to them,- that thus they (may learn) to guard themselves (against evil). (9:122) The scholars among His servants fear Allah alone. (35:28)  Say (unto…

  • The Status of Scholars (Olama)

    There are five laws (halal, haram, mustahab, makrooh, and mubah) which relate to all the deeds of the servants of Allah swt, and it is compulsory for every mature adult to know these laws. At a minimum to at least do the halal and not do the haram ones. It is only possible to know…

  • An overview of Taqleed

    The definition of Taqleed is that the “Muqallaf” (Mature person) does all of his deeds based on the fatwa (laws) of the Mujtahid and that he takes his orders based on all aspects of life. Many of the current Mujtahids have chosen to carry the responsibility of serving as Maraje’. Most of them state in…

  • “The Olama are the Inheritors of the Prophets” The Holy Prophet (s)

    In this article, we are introducing to you some of the ayaat of the Quran and the narrations from the Ma’soomin (as) regarding the great position and value of the eminent scholars in this Ummah. We ask Allah swt to guide us to follow his path by following our eminent scholars. Nor should the Believers…

  • Eid Al Ghadeer

    Some of the speech given by Ayatollah Sheikh Mohammad Hussein AlAnsari on the day of Eid Al Ghadeer Since the day when the light of Islam penetrated through the dark skies, and as the first glimpse of dawn appeared gradually pushing away the darkness – Islam was born and continued to grow, and why not?.…

  • The Benefits of the Month of Ramadan

    In The Name of Allah The Beneficent The Merciful Praise is to Allah, The Lord of The worlds and Salutations and Peace Be Upon Our Master Mohammad and His Pure and Divinely Protected (Infallible) Progeny Since the initial days of Islam, this great religion concentrated on both the spiritual and physical qualities of its followers.…

  • A brief commentary on Dua al-Iftetah

    A brief commentary on Dua al-Iftetah The supplication of the Opening (al-iftetah) was taught by our twelfth Imam (as) for Shias to recite every night during the holy month of Ramadhan. The name that has been given by the Imam for this Dua is amazing as it shows the importance and the secrets that this…

  • The Day of Revelation

    Ayatollah Alansari’s speech on the Day of Revelation  In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful The Mercy of Allah be on Muhammad and His Progeny We have to take advantage of such occasions which may lead to our goal. To be closer to the source of the message and apply it to the…