

Guidance to the Community during testing times

In the name of Allah the most beneficent the most merciful

Peace be upon Muhammad and his pure Progeny, all Prophets and holy patrons

During testing times, one must remember:

  1. Islam is not represented by anyone but the Infallibles because every human is prone to mistakes for this reason the best of the believers are the repentant.
  2. Believers should not look for the faults of their brothers or sisters like the fly which only spreads dirt. In light of this Imam Ali (peace be upon him) has stated “He who sees his own shortcomings abstains from looking into other’s shortcomings”.
  3. Our Imams (peace be upon them) have advised us “During fitna (testing times) be like an adolescent camel who has neither a back strong enough for riding nor udders for milking”.

May Allah guide us all to his best path.



The Address of Ayatollah Mohammad Hussein Al-Ansari to the Public Inter-Faith Gathering in St Mary’s Cathedral in Sydney, which was delivered on his behalf

In the name of God, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.

Peace be upon Mohammad, his progeny and all Prophets and holy patrons.

Peace be upon you all.

People are of two kinds: either your brother in religion, or your equal in humanity.

This is a time-less statement of Imam Ali, the successor of Prophet Mohammad who was a practical manifestation of real humanity and walked in the steps of great prophets; through which we are coming here today to attend this honourable gathering to put these words into action.

We are here carrying a load of Godly mercy that those noble characters have shared with all humanity.

We pray to His Almighty to accept our deeds and to bless our good Australia with prosperity and well-being.

I have always said and repeat it now that if other countries raise the name of freedom or its statue, here in Australia freedom itself exists.

We pray to His Almighty to allow us to use this freedom positively for our common benefits. Not to abuse it negatively so that tragic events such as this one unleash. A tragedy that has filled all our hearts with sadness and sorrow.

We pray to His Almighty to bless Katrina Dawson and Tori Johnson as well as all innocent victims of crimes worldwide.

We also pray for their families and all of us to be bestowed by patience and consolation.

And pray for the fast recovery of the injured and affected people.

May we all be united to spread justice and peace.

Thank you all.


Statement of Unity – NSW Religious Leaders Meeting behalf

Statement of Unity - Religious Leaders



Sydney faced an unprecedented challenge that shocked Australia and the world earlier in the week that saw the loss of two innocent Australians and others injured during the criminal acts in the Sydney CBD. During the crisis, there was constant communication between us and leaders of various faiths, the Premier of New South Wales, Ministers of Parliament and the Commissioner of NSW Police to address the crisis in solidarity and come to a common point on a way forward.

We, together, agreed to hold a common public inter-faith gathering to mourn the loss of these innocent Australians as well as to unify our stance and promote peace and harmony.

All brothers and sisters are invited to this public inter-faith gathering:

Where: St Mary’s Cathedral – St Marys Road – Sydney CBD

When: Friday 19th of December at 9am to 10am

Office of Ayatollah Al-Ansari – Sydney


We pay our condolences to all our fellow Australians, especially the families of the innocent victims of this criminal attack. We also pray for the fast recovery of the injured victims

Testing times like these remind us of the value of unity and national solidarity in protecting Australia from all evil and the need to promote social harmony and peace

Criminal acts have no place in any faith or country

Office of Ayatollah Al-Ansari



We pray deeply and wholeheartedly for the innocent civilian hostages in Sydney for their immediate and safe release. We, similarly, ask all people to join us in their prayer.

This crisis reminds us that we all, from all faiths and backgrounds, should unite as Australians to oppose such radicalism and build a peaceful and harmonious society

Office of Ayatollah Al-Ansari


His Eminence Ayatollah Al-Ansari’s keynote speech at the National Forum of Shia  Organisations 10th of September 2014

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Important Press Release regarding recent statements by Grand Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani

Press Release